What is the Illuminati and Do They Exist?
The Illuminati is believed to be a group or secret society of the most influential and powerful elite in the world. It is believed that the Illuminati has been existing for many centuries and they maintain the same bloodlines.
It’s also believed that the Illuminati also consists of branches of other secret societies such as freemasonry and these secret societies consist of international bankers, top government officials, leaders in the media, entertainment, sports and energy sectors.
It is believed that the Illuminati controls all major sectors of the world from the entertainment industry to the world financial markets and also the political world.
The name Illuminati comes from the Latin word illuminatur which means the “enlightened”.
This group believes that they are more “enlightened” than the rest of the world. They believe that they possess secret knowledge about many issues including knowledge of the future and world events. They believe that they are meant to dominate and control the masses and the world systems.
Therefore most people theorize that this group will be responsible for ushering the Mark of the Beast and New World Order where there will be a one world government, one world currency and a one world religion.
It is believed that the group prefers to operate covertly but uses various symbols as a spiritual method of communication and worship. Some of the symbols most associated with the Illuminati include occult symbols, triangles, pentagrams, the all-seeing eye – pyramids – the number 666 and symbolism associated with Egyptian mythology. It is also believed that the group is heavily linked to many occult practices and that the Illuminati ultimately serves at the pleasure of the devil.
Is the Illuminati mentioned in the Bible?
The Illuminati is not specifically mentioned in the Bible. However the Bible does speak of a type of globalism or new world order scenario that will exist in the future or in the end times.
The presence of the Antichrist will usher in a one world government, a one world currency and a one world religion where the Antichrist will ultimately demand to be worshiped (Revelation 17:1-18; Revelation 13:1-14).
The devil is the master of all evil in the world and he is the creator of the demonic world systems that operate in the world.
The Illuminati and many other groups and individuals who perform wicked acts to dominate, manipulate and control the world are merely puppets of the devil who is their puppet master.
How should Christians respond to secret societies?
Christians need to always remember that it is God who is ultimately in control of all things and all situations. There is nothing that will happen in this world that will ever surprise God. There is nothing that is hidden from God.
Therefore God is the alpha and omega. Everything begins and ends with God.
This means that whatever the devil and his puppets may try in their attempt to control and dominate the world will ultimately end in failure.
God will remain God and the devil and all his followers will be cast in the lake of fire.
The role of every Christian believer is to continue to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and the need for people to repent and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour (Matthew 28:19-20).
Christians are also to expose evil in all its forms and warn people from being deceived by the devil and his followers (Ephesians 5:11-12).